Jeremiah’s work typically includes:

  • Preparing clients to obtain employment through
    work readiness skills

  • Addressing academic goals, including English / Grammar / Speech / Language

  • Life skills and social functioning support
  • Physical fitness and nutritional health guidance

Examples of Services

Executive Functioning

The process of prioritizing and planning which is crucial to education, work, and independent living.

Coping with Sensory Assaults

Managing the noise, lights, and crowds that are part of contemporary daily life.

Connecting Socially

Developing skills, making connections, and finding people who are compatible as friends and life partners.

Understanding and Responding Appropriately to Social Cues

Such as non-verbal communication, sarcasm, jokes, and signals of romantic interest or lack of interest.

Setting Goals

Thinking realistically and practically about potential career and personal goals, even small goals such as organizing personal space or learning to cook something new.

Managing The Challenges of Independent Living

Such as paying bills, managing money, paying taxes, shopping for food, clothing, or other necessities, recognizing and managing health issues, etc.

*Prices vary based on individual needs and circumstances. Please call to discuss how Jeremiah can best help meet your needs.

*Prices vary based on individual needs and circumstances. Please call to discuss how Jeremiah can best help meet your needs.